Have you ever said to yourself, I don't have time to go to the gym or excercise at home, or just go out for a jog? You've said to yourself," I don't have time!" 24 hours is not enough time for me to do all the things that I want to do. So, working out is definitely not my priority.
But what if I would tell you that excercising would give you more time to do all the things you needed to do? It would actually give you that extra time you needed. Sounds weird, right?
Its been proven that any kind of physical activity, whether its running, swimming, spinning, etc would increase your productivity, boost your energy levels and give you the exact focus that would help you become more efficient in all your daily tasks.
I know that in all the days when I knew I didn't have time and had really low energy levels, but still managed to squeeze in about 30 minutes of physical activity, I would feel amazing! And that's what helped me transform my body. Once I shifted my thought's from I can't, I don't have time, I'm not genetically made up to look fit ( sound familiar all these excuses?) to doing what I knew was necessary for my well-being, I started having amazing results. I lost almost 40 pounds, I completely changed my lifestyle, I became much more organised with my time all thanks to the fact that I wasn't using all of the possible excuses I could find. And believe me, I think we are all pretty amazing in making up excuses (even if some of them are real, but still excuses)
I'm not talking about complicated exercises, sometimes the simplest exercises like jumping jacks or burpees can work wonders! Or just walking up and down the stairs! The point is that you've got to get your body moving.
So give yourself those 30 minutes a day and your 24 hours will be wonderful!
Would you like to feel amazing everyday?
Love yourself enough to get your body moving ❤
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An Actress, Writer, Philantropist, and a well balanced life enthusiast that.
VIEW STORYI don’t believe in coincidences. If you’ve arrived here, I genuinely trust that the UNIVERSE has led you here in-order for you to change “something” in your life. Whatever the reasons are for your arrival here, I am very happy that you’ve been given this wonderful opportunity & gift!