Breast Cancer Awareness Campaign, one the largest international philanthropic campaigns, initiated by the Estee Lauder Company, is dedicating the month of October to this cause.
As the new Ambassador for Estee Lauder Romania, I feel honored to join this cause and become a voice to this important message #TimetoEndBreastCancer.
According to a study by Globocan made in 2012, every 19 seconds, a woman is diagnosed with breast cancer. My mother received this ruthless diagnosis. We fought together, we tried to be strong, to overcome this difficult illness, but unfortunately my mother lost this battle. Although I lost the dearest person in my life, I will continue to fight, I will engage with determination and seriousness in the campaign of informing and supporting people who are going through these dark moments and despair.
Know that you are not alone! `I lost a fight, but I will not stop, only together we will be able to fight and in the end we shall win!
Thank you Estee Lauder Romania for giving me a chance to be a voice!
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An Actress, Writer, Philantropist, and a well balanced life enthusiast that.
VIEW STORYI don’t believe in coincidences. If you’ve arrived here, I genuinely trust that the UNIVERSE has led you here in-order for you to change “something” in your life. Whatever the reasons are for your arrival here, I am very happy that you’ve been given this wonderful opportunity & gift!